/* Enums */
// Enumeration of sort direction
// Values: asc, desc
var advDirection = Object.freeze({ Asc: 'asc', Desc: 'desc' });
// Enumeration of datatypes available
// Values: string,date,boolean,decimal,integer,uniqueidentifier
var advDataType = Object.freeze({ String: 'string', Date: 'date', Boolean: 'boolean', Decimal: 'decimal', Integer: 'integer', UniqueIdentifier: 'uniqueidentifier' });
// Enumeration of comparison types
// Values: equals, notequals, like, notlike, greaterthan, greaterorequals,lessthan,lessorequals, all
var advCompare = Object.freeze({ Equals: 'equals', NotEquals: 'notequals', Like: 'like', NotLike: 'notlike', GreaterThan: 'greaterthan', GreaterOrEquals: 'greaterorequals', LessThan: 'lessthan', LessOrEquals: 'lessorequals', All: 'all' });
/*Types */
function AdvKeyValueCompare(key, value, dataType, comparison) {
/// Object that holds the Index/Filter criteria when performing a data request.
/// The name of the field/index.
/// The value to use in comparison.
/// the datatype of the 'value' passed (advDataType).
/// The comparison to perform (advCompare).
this.Key = key;
this.Value = value;
this.DataType = dataType;
this.Comparison = comparison;
function AdvSort(fieldName, direction) {
/// Object that holds the sort when performing a data request
/// Name of the field.
/// The direction to sort (advDirection).
this.Direction = direction;
this.FieldName = fieldName;
function isUUID(uuid) {
/// Determines whether the specified value is a unique identifier.
/// The value passed.
/// true if the specified is a unique identifier, otherwise false.
let s = "" + uuid;
s = s.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$');
if (s === null) {
return false;
return true;
function AdvContentRequest(apiName, language) {
/// Object to fill when performing a data request for multiple records. When populated use as parameter with advGetContent function.
/// You can optionally specify the following:
/// Index: the index to use when retrieving data (AdvKeyValueCompare)
/// Filter: Multiple filters can be specified using AddFilter (AdvKeyValueCompare). Works as iterative 'where clause' with 'and'
/// SortList: Multiple sort orders can be specified with AddSort (AdvSort).
/// FieldList: Reduce payload by specifying what fields to return populated with data by using AddField.
/// Name of the API.
/// The language abbreviation code used in Advantage CSP associated with the data.
this.name = 'AdvContentRequest';
this.ApiName = apiName;
this.MaxRecords = 0;
this.SkipRecords = 0;
this.Header = { 'Authorization': 'Basic' };
this.Host = ''
this.CrossDomain = true;
this.Authenticate = false;
this.Action = 'POST';
var _index = new AdvKeyValueCompare("", "", "string", advCompare.All); // private member
var _filter = [];
var _sort = [];
var _fieldList = [];
var _language = "default";
if (language !== undefined && language !== null)
_language = language;
Object.defineProperty(this, "Language",
get: function () {
if (language === undefined && language === null)
return 'default';
return _language;
set: function (value) { _language = value; }
var checkDirection = function (val) {
if (['asc', 'desc'].indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) >= 0) return '';
return 'Direction type must be of the following values: Asc, Desc';
var checkCompare = function (val) {
if (['equals', 'notequals', 'like', 'notlike', 'greaterthan', 'greaterorequals', 'lessthan', 'lessorequals', 'all'].indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
return '';
return 'Compare type must be of the following values: Equals, NotEquals, Like, NotLike, GreaterThan, GreaterOrEquals, LessThanLessOrEquals, All';
var checkDataType = function (val) {
if (['string', 'date', 'boolean', 'decimal', 'integer', 'uniqueidentifier'].indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
return '';
return 'Data type must be of the following values: String, Date, Boolean, Decimal, Integer, UniqueIdentifier';
Object.defineProperty(this, "Index",
get: function () { return _index; },
set: function (value) {
if (value.constructor.name === "AdvKeyValueCompare") {
var result = checkCompare(value.Comparison);
if (result) throw result;
result = checkDataType(value.DataType);
if (result) throw result;
_index = value;
throw "Index property type error";
this.set_Index = function (key, value, dataType, comparison) {
var result = checkCompare(comparison);
if (result) throw result;
result = checkDataType(dataType);
if (result) throw result;
_index = new AdvKeyValueCompare(key, value, dataType, comparison);
Object.defineProperty(this, "Filter",
get: function () { return _filter; },
set: function (value) {
var result = '';
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var arrayLength = value.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (value[i].constructor.name !== "AdvKeyValueCompare") throw "Filter property type error";
result = checkCompare(value.Comparison);
if (result) throw result;
result = checkDataType(value.DataType);
if (result) throw result;
_filter = value;
} else { throw "Filter property type error"; }
this.AddFilter = function (key, value, dataType, comparison) {
var result = '';
result = checkCompare(comparison);
if (result) throw result;
result = checkDataType(dataType);
if (result) throw result;
if (result === '') {
var tmp = new AdvKeyValueCompare(key, value, dataType, comparison);
Object.defineProperty(this, "SortList",
get: function () { return _sort; },
set: function (value) {
var result = '';
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var arrayLength = value.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (value[i].constructor.name !== "AdvSort") throw "SortList property type error";
result = checkDirection(value.Direction);
if (result) throw result;
_sort = value;
} else { throw "SortList property type error"; }
this.AddSort = function (fieldName, direction) {
var result = '';
result = checkDirection(direction);
if (result) throw result;
if (result === '') {
var tmp = new AdvSort(fieldName, direction);
else throw "Sort property type error";
Object.defineProperty(this, "FieldList",
get: function () { return _fieldList; },
set: function (value) {
var result = '';
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var arrayLength = value.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (value[i].constructor.name !== "String") throw "FieldList property type error";
_fieldList = value;
} else { throw "FieldList property type error"; }
this.AddField = function (fieldName) {
if (fieldName.constructor.name !== "String") throw "FieldList property type error";
if (fieldName !== '') {
else throw "Sort property type error";
function AdvContentRequestById(apiName, language, id) {
/// Object to fill when performing a data request for a single record. When populated use as parameter with advGetContent function.
/// You can optionally specify the following:
/// Id: The masterId or seoName for the object requested
/// Name of the API.
/// The language abbreviation code used in Advantage CSP associated with the data.
/// The masterId or seoName for the object requested
this.name = 'AdvContentRequestById';
this.ApiName = apiName;
this.Header = { 'Authorization': 'Basic' };
this.Host = ''
this.CrossDomain = true;
this.Authenticate = false;
this.Action = 'POST';
var _id = '';
var _language = "default";
if (language !== undefined && language !== null)
_language = language;
if (id !== undefined && id !== null)
_id = id;
Object.defineProperty(this, "Language",
get: function () {
if (language === undefined && language === null)
return 'default';
return _language;
set: function (value) { _language = value; }
Object.defineProperty(this, "Id",
get: function () { return _id; },
set: function (value) { _id = value; }
/*Functions */
async function advGetContent(requestContent) {
/// Makes a synchronous (using await) the rest service to retrieve the data based on the requestContent object.
/// Usage: var result= await advGetContent(requestContent);
/// Content of the request.
advGetContent(requestContent, null, null);
async function advGetContent(requestContent, successFunction, failureFunction) {
/// Calls the rest service to retrieve the data based on the requestContent object.
/// Content of the request.
/// The success function.
/// The failure function.
if (failureFunction === undefined || failureFunction === null) failureFunction = successFunction;
var myHeaders = new Headers();
var requestUrl = '/advantageapi/content/get/';
if (requestContent.Authenticate) requestUrl = '/advantageapi/secure/content/get/';
requestUrl = requestUrl + requestContent.ApiName;
if (requestContent.Language === null && requestContent.Language === '')
requestContent.Language = 'default';
requestUrl += '/' + requestContent.Language;
for (var key in requestContent.Header) myHeaders.append(key, requestContent.Header[key]);
myHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
if (requestContent.name === "AdvContentRequest") {
if (requestContent.Host !== '') requestUrl = requestContent.Host + requestUrl;
const theRequest = fetch(requestUrl,
method: requestContent.Action,
body: JSON.stringify({
"Index": requestContent.Index,
"Filter": requestContent.Filter,
"SortList": requestContent.SortList,
"FieldList": requestContent.FieldList,
"MaxRecords": requestContent.MaxRecords,
"SkipRecords": requestContent.SkipRecords
ContentType: 'application/json',
headers: myHeaders
if (successFunction === undefined || successFunction === null)
return await theRequest.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => advParseRequest(data, false, false))
.catch(err => advParseRequest(err, false, true));
theRequest.then(response => response.text())
.then(function (data) {
var result = advParseRequest(data, false, false);
if (result.Error !== null)
return failureFunction(result);
return successFunction(result);
.catch(err => failureFunction(advParseRequest(err, false, true)));
return void (0);
if (requestContent.name === "AdvContentRequestById") {
requestUrl += '/' + requestContent.Id;
if (requestContent.Host !== '') requestUrl = requestContent.Host + requestUrl;
const theSingleRequest = fetch(requestUrl,
method: requestContent.Action,
headers: myHeaders,
ContentType: 'application/json'
if (successFunction === undefined || successFunction === null)
return await theSingleRequest.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => advParseRequest(data, true, false))
.catch(err => advParseRequest(err, true, true));
theSingleRequest.then(response => response.text())
.then(function (data) {
var result = advParseRequest(data, true, false);
if (result.Error !== null)
return failureFunction(result);
return successFunction(result);
.catch(err => failureFunction(advParseRequest(err, true, true)));
return void (0);
throw "Parameter must be of type AdvContentRequest or AdvContentRequestById";
function advParseRequest(data, singleResult, forceError) {
try {
if (forceError) throw "forced";
var json = {};
if (singleResult) json.Data = JSON.parse(data);
else json = JSON.parse(data);
json.ResponseCode = 200;
json.Error = null;
return json;
} catch (e) {
var respCode = 500;
if (data === "API action is not available on the non-secure channel")
respCode = 403;
if (data === "API object is unavailable")
respCode = 404;
var err = { "Error": data };
err.ResponseCode = respCode;
err.Data = null;
return err;